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Short Documentation Plugin "Multimedia2"

Version Multimedia2 v2.0 - released 07/2014

MultiMedia2 is a CMSimple plugin, that allows you to play audio- and video files on your CMSimple pages.

MultiMedia2 has its own mobile optimized audio player, but it also can use the browser internal audio players.

MultiMedia2 uses the html5 tags <audio> and <video>. Some older browsers does not support that html5 tags. In this case, a corresponding message appears. In the configuration can be enabled a link to the file for this case. Attention! Enabling this option can cause the direct download of the file.

!!! Please consider the CopyRights of the audio- and files !!!

1. System Requirements

MultiMedia2 requires a working installation of CMSimple 4.2 or higher.

Recommended is the current version of CMSimple ».

2. Installation

  1. Download the zip-file and unzip it with a suitable program.
    • Upload the folder structure of the folder "CMSimpleRoot" (the folders "plugins" and "userfiles") into the install folder (root folder) of your CMSimple installation.
    • Ignore requests of your ftp program, click "ja" or "ok", there will no files be overwritten by the first installation.
    • If you update, simply don't upload the "userfiles" folder.
  2. Define the necessary writing permissions for folders and files by your ftp program.

Before an update you should create a backup copy of the old plugins, so you can restore changes / additions in the stylesheet.css, the configuration and language files.

3. Files- and Folders Permissions

Files: chmod 666

Folders: chmod 777

For file upload (by CMSimple Filebrowser), you have to add following filetypes to the CMS Configuration:
Settings => CMS => Filebrowser => xtensions_userfiles: ogg, mp3, mp4, webm and ogv.

4. The Plugin Calls

So that the players works in almost all browsers, the audio- and video files must be available with the same name in different formats:

Link to an Online Converter:

4.1 MultiMedia2 AudioPlayer

{{{PLUGIN:mm2audio('filename', 'fileinfo', 'width', 'class');}}}

4.2 browser internal audio players


{{{PLUGIN:mm2audioBP('filename', 'width', 'class');}}}

Flexible (for advanced users):

{{{PLUGIN:mm2audioFlex('filename', 'properties');}}}

Example Background Music (Audioplayer unvisible):

{{{PLUGIN:mm2audioFlex('filename', 'autoplay loop');}}}

Example with style and class (Audioplayer visible):

{{{PLUGIN:mm2audioFlex('filename', 'controls style="width: 600px;" class="my_class"');}}}

4.3 browser internal video players

{{{PLUGIN:mm2video('filename', 'width', 'class', 'autoplay', 'loop');}}}


Video with 360px width, no autoplay, but Loop:

{{{PLUGIN:mm2video('filename', '360px', 'mm2videoDefault', '', 'loop');}}}

Most simple is the plugin call with default settings: 100% width, standard design, no autoplay, no loop:


... or default settings, but defined width:

{{{PLUGIN:mm2video('filename', '360px');}}}

If an image "filename.jpg" (file name of the 3 videos in 3 formats) exists in the video directory, this file is automatically used by the video player as a preview image. This image should have the same width-height-ratio as the video, and should be at least as large as the video (width and height).

5. Player Design

If the AudioPlayer smaller than 280px, a minimized AudioPlayer will be shown.

You can style the AudioPlayers with CSS (stylesheet.css of the plugin).

5.1 Global (all AudioPlayers)

In the stylesheet.css there are 3 classes, one for the MultiMedia2 AudioPlayer, one for the browser internal audio players (... BP) and one for the browser internal video players. With these classes, you can customize the look of the Players global:

div.mm2audioDefault { ... }
div.mm2audioDefaultBP { ... }
div.mm2videoDefault { ... }

5.2 Player classes

Define classes (at the end of the stylesheet.css) and add them into the plugin calls. To avoid collisions with other stylesheets, these classes should start with mm2audio, mm2audioBP or mm2video.

6. Hints / Data Security

Before an update you should create a backup copy of the old plugins, so you can restore changes / additions in the stylesheet.css, the configuration and language files.

Some older browsers will not support html5. In this case, a corresponding message appears. In the configuration can be enabled a link to the mp3 (audio) or mp4 (video) file for this case. What happens with this file, depends on the browser settings of the visitor.

Attention! Enabling this option can cause the direct download of the file.